Can a doctor lie to a patient and get away with it?

2012-03-03 2:06 am
I was just wondering, what kind of things are out there that might prevent a medical doctor from out-right lying to you?

Sure, there are malpractice lawsuits, but you can't just simply file a lawsuit and punish them if there weren't any monetary damages, right?

Can a doctor get away with lying to a patient?

回答 (4)

2012-03-03 2:23 am
For heavens sake, doctors do it all the time.
2012-03-03 2:15 am
This is close, but my veterinarian kept prescribing me things and saying that my dog had this, and she had that, but it turned out she had mange. He is just in it for the money. And although he didn't lie to us, he did not give us correct information, an most likely blew it off on purpose. It's sick what people have come to do. I couldn't see why regular doctors wouldn't do the same as well. It's not technically illegal to do that.
2012-03-03 2:14 am
They have gotten away w/it.

They have more $.
2016-10-02 9:25 am
the oftentimes used reason for pap smears is HPV. i think of there is too lots of a scare around it too. it extremely is extremely concern-unfastened yet particularly uncommon for it to coach into maximum cancers. some women human beings gets mildly unusual cells, even on a deeper point, and then they maximum consistently sparkling up on their very own. LEEP and different strategies frequently are not mandatory. as quickly as my gyne iced up or burned off a number of my cells and completely scarred my cervix/depleted my libido. So be careful. i think of it could bypass away too. The physique gets all varieties of viruses, many unbeknownst to us, and that they frequently sparkling or bypass away on their very own over the years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:03:37
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