Parvo on 2.5 MO Husky Puppy?

2012-03-02 8:15 am
My puppy got her 2nd Shot on SUNDAY Afternoon.
She was all fine MONDAY except first symptom came out on MONDAY night at 6 PM - Vomitting. One time diarehha with red speck appeared on TUE around 4-5 AM.
We brought her to the vet for Parvo test on TUE 12 PM and tested positve for Parvo.
She's been hospitalized since TUE Noon till now FRI -> which is almost 96 Hours.
WED - She was with intense Vomit and Diarehha with blood.
THUR - Less vomit (no blood) and 2 times diarehha (Dark brown with slight blood I believe),
The Vet did a White Blood Cell test on THUR the count was 2.5 while red cell and temperature and others stat all normal.
She's now very tired and was on Plasma everyday since first day she admitted in hospital. The vet needs to feed her soft puppy food every 2 hours since THUR.
She's with antibiotics and other med to control vomit and diarehha.
Would anyone know her chances of pulling through this? I have already gave her my best possible care / vet support.
Thanks...... Am really worrying... The Vet said the White Blood Cell a bit low and seems she still not very active and lethargic........

回答 (6)

2012-03-02 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's still touch and go. Your vet is in the best position to give you a prognosis, but I imagine he'd still be pretty cautious too.

But where there's life, there's hope, right? Your little girl is a fighter, and we'll all hope for her to pull through. Please come back and update this thread when you get her home, to let us know she's on the mend!
2012-03-02 8:20 am
As unfortunate as this is,it really is just a guessing game,your vet should have given a 50/50 chance of survival.I can say however that her chances are much greater with being under the care and supervision of a vet,she sounds to me like she is doing pretty well for the circumstances.I wish you and your pup the best,I know how hard this can be and the toll it can take emotionally.
參考: Owner of 2 parvo survivors
2016-05-17 6:59 pm
That was a very good thing you did to take the dog to the Vet. I work at a Humane Society and also going to school to become a Vet Tech. To tell you the truth it all depends on how far parvo is through out the body. Parvo is a viral infection and, once exposed to it, either by vaccination or by direct exposure to the disease, the puppy will make antibodies to fight it off. However, it can take several days to several weeks for the puppy to build up enough antibodies to do the job. Once the antibodies are formed, the puppy will be immune for life, so he cannot be reinfected at a later date. A puppy's antibody levels will be too low to be detected by an immunologic test when he is first exposed, but within 2-3 weeks, his levels will be high enough to show a positive result. The Parvo virus makes the intestines in the puppies body like bloody liquid , it kinda eats the dogs insides , The smell is unforgetable, it's the side effects. Puppies usually die of dehydration because of profuse diarrhea. When exposed, some puppies exhibit only mild symptoms and quickly recover to go on to live healthy, long lives. Others can get so sick they die within a day or two. Also older dogs like adults dogs they can be a host for parvo virus, they can carry it and when a puppy comes and play's with the older dog. Thats when the puppy can catch it. Its like children in preschool one gets the flu and the other children gets the flu. Parvo is the same case. Parvo can live for 9 months if its not being treated. Whether its the dog carrying it or if the dog licked a wall or even any where the virus can live for 9 months if untreated. So house cleaners and bleach is great to kill the virus on dog toy's. At the Humane Society we give every dog the parvo shot and other shots , its very heart breaking when you see this happen to dogs and its very hard to put dogs to sleep because of this virus when they are so young. But since your dog came in Connect with other dogs, they could be carrying the virus. So your dog should be fine with the vet's treatment, without that treatment Saint would have not made it. It is very importian to get your dog all his shots, the parvo shot or even if you get any new dogs in the future always get them the shots so parvo is the last thing in your mind again or any thing else. I hope this helps you out . Good Luck to you and Saint.
2012-03-05 10:04 am
Thanks for your warm messages and prayers here ! Here's some updates - ( I need to use another account to update you guys due to I couldnt log back on previous due to some password issue )

Those who have gone through this same horrible disease would have understood how desperate it is when all what you can do is to sit and count the clocks hour by hour, hoping for the puppy can pull through, and wait for that small tiny little sign that indicates the puppy actually do better than what it was before.

I have waited for 6 days for some good signs since she got admitted on Monday. Finally the vet confirmed to us on Sunday night that her stool's all clean without blood, and for today as well. Though there's still 1-2 times vomit. From the nurse, she's doing better than yesterday as well as in she actually tried to do a prison break when the vet tried to take her out from the cage for some regular check-ups.

The only thing is she still not 100% eating the food by herself. The vet said today's she's doing better as she could finish half of the food herself but will still need to wait for her to start 100% eating and cut on the frequency of diarrhea !

I know the battle against Parvo still not yet fully done and we still need to keep on fighting but I am thrilled to see some positive signs after 6 days of waiting and I know she is such a tough little warrior that we will win this battle !

Again, thanks to all of you for your support and caring. When there's life, there's hope, this is what keeps me strong these days and always will. THANKS !
2012-03-02 8:27 am
I am so sorry your going through this! This must be very hard. If it makes you feel better my dog that I have right now had parvo as a puppy and he got through it but unfortunately I was not the owner when he was a puppy so I never saw him that way and don't know what kind of treatment they did for him. Best of luck to you and I really hope she pulls through! No matter what happens just keep in mind you did the best thing for her by taking her to the vet.... that's all you can do. I'll say a prayer for her!!!!
2012-03-02 8:30 am
Give her pedialite it really helps them stay hydrated my husband use to work at the human society and that's what they would give the dogs if they had parvo.

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