2012-03-02 8:02 am
想問如果家中上網係大夏直線上網的 唔洗MODEM
咁我買左個ROUTER 番泥想整無線上網 點整??點爻D線????
因為我見佢D 說明書都係有MODEM....我家唔洗用咁點整GA??THZ

回答 (2)

2012-03-02 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
2012-03-02 2:33 pm
If the signal from your wall socket is ADSL2+ or similar, buy a ADSL router with wireless capability. Connect the RJ 45 (telephone) cable between the wall socket and your router. Connect a CAT-5 cable between the router and your computer (laptop or desktop)Follow the router manual, launch Internet Explorer and type its IP address to get into the interface of the router. Once inside router, follow manual instructions. Go to LAN section and enter your user name and password for your internet server. Go to Wrieless section. Follow manual to set up your WEP password.Do not change any of the factory default settings. Save the data then log out. Now try to get on WiFi with your computers. If successful, your can also share connections with your desktops using the CAT-5 connections. Depends on your internet server, some wrieless factory settings might need to be changed. If stuck, call your internet server and let him take you through the router interface (both LAN and wireless sections) step by step. They will support you. No problems.
參考: Extract from my computer know how

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