
2012-03-02 7:04 am

回答 (4)

2012-03-08 12:14 am
2012-03-06 1:53 am
The issue is not the GPS.

The issue is the map including with the GPS.

In most of the cases, the GPA you buy in Hong Kong will only include the map for Hong Kong.

You must buy one that either:

1. Come with a European map; or

2. You can upload your own map (which you will need to buy a European map)

2012-03-07 14:33:02 補充:
It is simple.

Most GPSs can simulate the route. So you can ask the saleperson to use that GPS to simulate a route from Paris to Geneva (for example) and see if anything come up.

If so, it will work.
2012-03-05 10:31 pm
如有i-phone 4(S),或可試用 google map。
2012-03-05 6:23 am

2012-03-05 21:53:56 補充:
一個折衝辦法是用手機的GPS app,因為有很多APP都是歐洲的,所以會有歐洲地圖。
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:33:35
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