marries ....innocent 嘅意思? pls

2012-03-02 3:05 am
Wang ZhiJie has received criticial acclaim for his Little Girl series, which marries the provocative with the innocent.

回答 (2)

2012-03-02 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
marries A with B

provocative = 爭議/激怒令人討厭的東西
innocent = 純潔/天真令人憐愛的東西
2012-03-02 4:15 pm
I never read the Little Girls series written by ZhiJie and you did not give the context of the sentence, so here is my guesswork.

provocative : 邊緣人,有爭議性的人物。像憤青,不務正業的人。
innocent : 天真無邪的人。像千金小姐,純情少女等等。

marries : 現在就比較好解釋,在這裡是指將兩種截然不同的特徵放在同一個人的身上。

一個作者如果能成功地 marry innocent with provocative 在一個 Little Girl 身上,那當然評價不錯 critical acclaim

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