mass flow rate

2012-03-01 1:06 am


A pipe X of cross-sectional area 24 cm^2 branches into two smaller pipes, Y of area 15 cm^2 and Z of area 6 cm^2. An incompressible liquid flows through the pipes and travels at a speed of 0.4 ms^-1 in X and 0.6 ms^-1 in Y. What is the speed of the fluid in Z?

A. 0.1 ms^-1
B. 0.2 ms^-1
C. 1.0 ms^-1
D. 1.5 ms^-1

The answer is A and it can be calculated from the equation A1v1=A2v2+A3v3.

It is very clear for me to see the correct answer by calculating it. It still, however, remains a mystery to me that why the given condition of the velocity of the liquid in Y would be 0.6 ms^-1 !!!!?

I think the velocities of the liquid in the two pipes Y and Z would be the same, just like when they are combined into one....

No matter if you can settled my problem, I appreciate you a lot for thinking my question.

Chi-Wing: You haven't taken a deep notice at my question. I think velocity of the liquid flowing through the pipes Y and Z should be the same and satisfy the principle of conservation of mass flow rate, i.e. 9.6/(15+6) ms^-1

回答 (2)

2012-03-01 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you could make reference to Poiseuille's formaula:

V = pi.P.a^4/8nL
where V is the volume of fluid flow per second
pi = 3.14159...
P is the pressure difference between the ends of a pipe
a is the cross-sectional area of the pipe
n is the viscosity of the fluid
L is the length of the pipe

Since pipe Y is of cross-section area larger than that of pipe Z, the volume flow rate in pipe Y is higher than that in pipe Z.

Thus, (A2).(V2) > (A3).(V3)
because cross-sectional area x speed of flow is just the volume flow rate

A wide pipe offers less resistance to fluid flow than a narrow pipe does, hence we would expect the flow in pipe Y is faster than that in pipe Z.

Combinging all these reasons, the volume flow rate in pipe Y is larger and with a higher flow speed.

2012-03-01 2:30 am
Because the fluid volume is equal to areaXvelocity & the fluid go through X must be equal to Y+Z.

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