
2012-02-29 8:37 pm

回答 (4)

2012-03-01 5:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我確定這個場地的booking。好像可以有很多解釋 :

1. 我會去 book 這個場地。I'll reserve the venue.

2. 你說得不錯,就是這個場地。You're right, this is the venue.

3. 請放心,場地的事,我會去再確定一下。I'll reconfirm the venue is ours.

4. 請放心,我已 book了這場地。 I assure you I have already booked the venue.

看你原來真正的意思是想說什麼,4 個翻譯都有可能。

至於前面部分 thank you for your letter 大概所有翻譯都相差無幾了。
2012-03-01 4:05 am
Thank you for your letter / notice. I'm sure this venue NO booking will.
參考: google
2012-02-29 9:49 pm
Date: xxxx

Dear xxxx

Many thanks for your notification. We hereby confirm our booking of the venue.

Thanks and best regards,


will be changing to

Thanks for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

2012-02-29 8:38 pm
Thank you for your notification. I would like to comfirm the reservation.

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