Anyone think college is bullshit?

2012-02-28 7:11 pm
Ive spent the last three years at Purdue university and now I'm thinking how much of a waste of time and money it has been. Any thoughts on college?

回答 (13)

2012-02-28 7:40 pm
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There's a very sudden and sharp incline in the percentage of population with a bachelor's degree. We just went to 30%. 1 out of 3 adults in the USA now has a bachelor's degree. As you think about whether it's a waste of time and money just ask yourself whether you'd like to be the one with a degree or the two without when you go looking for a job. Then ask yourself, when that number reaches 50% (it will within your worklife), would you like to be in the bottom half or the upper half?

But, it's a way cool free country and you don't have to go to college if you don't want to. You don't even have to get a job if you don't want to. In most states you're still allowed to not finish high school too. We won't even make you join the Army like some countries do. It's all your choice. So, don't like college? Don't go. Don't want to work? Don't. Want to start your own business? Do it. Who cares whether anyone else thinks college is or is not BS - if you don't want to go then don't.
2012-02-28 7:13 pm
semi-wasteful, but also a great experience. It's wayyyyyyyyy to expensive though
2014-01-06 10:25 pm
College: The only industry in USA that incurs as much debt as it does, and makes you reponsible for every mishap that it may cause on your way to achieving the product.
2015-01-15 2:33 am
Its Bullshit. it doesnt make you work harder. Thats for damn sure. If it did the country would be out of debt. We cant all be stradegists.
2014-01-28 10:04 pm
College is not bullshit, the question you asked is very broad and although as a general topic among friends I understand; however, if you would be more specific as to which part of it is bullshit you may get a better answer. Prices of textbooks for example is bullshit and anyone who says otherwise clearly has an interest in that market. The amount of debt students accumulate is also unreasonable. and finally the attitudes of particular proctors, teachers, professors, can be "bullshit" I have had many wonderful professors who are insightful and if you pay attention are some of the most valuable minds you can deal with. While i have had a handful of professors who just like to make you feel like you are not on their level, nor do they have any real teaching skill. primarily a talking degree. Those you have to learn to either con out of a grade or kiss their *** then forget they exist when you finish the class. the bright side is they are usually losers in their field anyway.
2012-02-28 7:27 pm

The only reason you might think it's wasteful is because you don't like the course that you are doing, which in that case, is your own fault. (Not what you wanted to hear but hey, the truth hurts sometimes.)
2016-10-02 9:59 am
College Is Bullshit
2015-08-07 1:55 am
This Site Might Help You.

Anyone think college is bullshit?
Ive spent the last three years at Purdue university and now I'm thinking how much of a waste of time and money it has been. Any thoughts on college?
參考: college bullshit:
2016-02-05 10:51 am
This Site Might Help You.

Anyone think college is bullshit?
Ive spent the last three years at Purdue university and now I'm thinking how much of a waste of time and money it has been. Any thoughts on college?
參考: college bullshit:
2012-02-29 3:18 pm
Purdue is one of the nation's best universities, and is always ranked in the top 75 or so nationally.

A great deal of what you formally learn in college is useless in the real world. You are just not going to be employable if you majored in the humanities and soft stuff like philosophy, literature, etc. On the other hand, a degree in health care, engineering, natural science, etc. is valued in the real world.

But, your time in college should be a time when you learn how to think critically, behave more like an adult, and explore things. Even though liberal arts are useless in the job market, exposure to them will help you understand other cultures and become more tolerant of other ideas and ways of looking at things.

You need to start thinking about what you are going to do the rest of your life, and use the thinking skills you should have developed at Purdue to get you ready for the real world.
參考: I got my masters at Purdue

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