indefintite integrals

2012-02-29 6:21 am
Find the following indefinite integrals using Integration by Substitution
Let x= tant (-兀 /2<兀 2)
therefore {dx/(x^2+1)^(1/2)
最尾2部唔肯定 高手help!plz!

有無人可以唔用sec? 只用sin cos tan?

回答 (2)

2012-02-29 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
{ (1/cost) dt
={ sect dt
={ (sect ( (sect+tant) / (sect+tant) ) dt
={ ( ( (sect)^2+ sect tant ) / (sect+tant) ) )dt

note that ( (sect)^2 + sect tant )dt = d( sect+tant )

then, {(1/cost)dt= { (1/(sect+tant))d(sect+tant)
=ln| sect + tant | + C
=ln| sec(arctanx) + tan(arctanx) | + C
=ln| sec(arctanx) + x | + C
參考: by myself
2012-02-29 5:47 pm

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