present and past participle!!!

2012-02-29 2:53 am
我想知咩系present participle, past participle!!!如果撈埋一起考,要點樣分???最好有埋中文解釋, 請勿copy:)


我系問present/past participle phrase-0-

回答 (2)

2012-03-01 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
* participle 是non-finite verb之一.(其他是gerund & infinitive)

*加上object / modify構成帶動態的adj / adv phrase.去修飾NOUN / VERB/SOMETHING.

*present participle=代表[主動]或[進行中.]

*past participle=代表[被動]或[已完成. ]

*The girls playing volleyball are my classmates.(adj ph.)

*Hearing the noise, the boy woke up. (adv ph.)

*Having promised him, you should keep your word. ( adv ph.)

*Being dissatisfied, he resigned his position. ( adj ph.)
2012-02-29 3:35 am
present participle = 現在分詞 通常係動詞然後加ing,亦有其他
例如 make, drive會無咗 e 變成 making driving
run put, 會重覆最尾的英文字等 變成running, putting
cut=cutting jog=jogging

past participle = 過去分詞
例如come, read 他們的串法一樣,讀法跟present tense不同
亦有很多不規則的轉法,不過大部份是以ed, t 結尾的

2012-02-28 19:36:10 補充:
past participle
read 讀法是red

2012-02-28 19:47:21 補充:
要用present tense的句中有everyday,every morning,every weekend等字
如:we have breakfast with our mum every morning.
we go to swim every weekend.

Present Continuous Tense的句中有now,at the moment等
we are playing computer games now.
I am reading now.

past tense句中有last weekend,yesterday等

2012-02-28 19:48:45 補充:
Past Perfect有yet,already,since等

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