
2012-02-28 6:32 pm


回答 (2)

2012-02-28 6:46 pm
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India's growing economy, strategic location, friendly foreign policy and
large and vibrant diaspora has won it more allies than enemies. [ 60 ]
India has friendly relations with several countries in the developing world .

印度的經濟增長,贏得了戰略位置,友好的外交政策和大和充滿活力的散居比敵人更多的盟友。 [60]

印度有幾個國家在發展友好關係的世界 。
國家認為印度的最親密的,包括在俄羅斯聯邦 ,
[61] 以色列 [62] 阿富汗 , [63] 法國 , [64] 不丹 [65]和孟加拉國 。 [66]俄羅斯是在軍事裝備最大的供應商向印度,其次是以色列和法國。
[67]據一些分析師,以色列被設置到超越印度最大的軍事和戰略合作夥伴俄羅斯。 [68] ,2個國家也合作廣泛計數器,恐怖主義和空間技術領域。


[70] 日本[71] 新加坡 ,南非,巴西和意大利。

[72]此外,印度經營著一個空軍基地在塔吉克斯坦[73 ]並簽署了具有里程碑意義的國防協議, 卡塔爾在2008年。 [74]

India has also forged relationships with developing countries, especially South Africa, Brazil, [ 75 ] and Mexico. [ 76 ] These countries often represent the interests of the developing countries through economic forums such as the G8+5 , IBSA and WTO .印度還與發展中國家,特別是南非,巴西,偽造的關係[75]和墨西哥。 [76]這些國家往往代表發展中國家的利益,通過諸如經濟論壇, 八國集團+5 , 三方機制和世貿組織 。 India was seen as one of the standard bearers of the developing world and claimed to speak for a collection of more than 30 other developing nations at the Doha Development Round . [ 77 ] [ 78 ] India's "Look East" Policy has helped it develop greater economic and strategic partnership with Southeast Asian countries , South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.印度是看到發展中世界的標準攜帶者之一,並聲稱以1 30多個其他發展國家在收集多哈發展回合的發言。 [77] [78] 印度的“看東方”政策已幫助它發展更大,韓國,日本,台灣與東南亞國家的經濟和戰略合作夥伴關係。 India also enjoys friendly relations with the Persian Gulf countries and most members of the African Union .印度還享有友好關係與波斯灣國家和大多數的非洲聯盟的成員。
2015-04-08 9:27 pm



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