Urgent(due in 2 hours)!! calculating volume of Cartesian Coordinates and Polar Coordinates!?

2012-02-28 1:51 am
This is the question: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/8652/85847439.jpg
Please help!! I got all the boxes right, and I tired but didn't get the right volume!
Both the integrals should give the same answer.
Can anyone show me the steps to get the volume in either of the integral?
If you have time, can you show me the steps of the other integral too!! Thanks!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2012-02-28 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your box for f in the polar coordinates form is NOT correct. It should be √(64 - r^2). You can do the θ integration first, which gives 2π. So you're down to

4π ∫ r (64 - r²)^½ dr

Use the substitution u = 64 - r². Then
du = -2r dr
-½ du =r dr
When r = 0, u = 64; when r = 4, u = 48

and the integral becomes

2π ∫ -u^½ du

which is the same as

2π ∫ u^½ du

You can finish.

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