
2012-02-28 6:47 am
Do oyu prepare classwork of tomorrow?
Do you prepare tomorrow's lesson?

回答 (5)

2012-02-28 2:16 pm
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English Question
1. Do you prepare classwork of tomorrow?
這句文法沒錯 prepare用作及物動詞是可以的,但classwork of tomorrow改為tomorrow's classwork會通順些。
Do you prepare for tomorrow's classwork?

2. Do you prepare tomorrow's lesson?
Do you prepare for tomorrow's lesson?

兩句中第2句比第1句好,因為較通順, 而tomorrow's lesson兼顧了"明天的課(上堂)"和"明天堂上功課"的意思。

如果被問的是學生,用Do you prepare for tomorrow's lesson?就可以了。
被問的是老師, 用Do you prepare tomorrow's lesson?老師的預備是直接的,所以用及物動詞。

2012-02-28 08:52:40 補充:
My understanding is that the question asks about preparation for tomorrow's classwork(堂上的功課)and not tonight's homework(家課). It is not wrong to ask with "Do you".

2012-02-28 12:20:02 補充:
I agree to the above suggestion.
However, I think the host's original request to compare two questions should be addressed. Hence the original answer sticks to that.

2012-02-28 13:17:11 補充:
* Do you need to prepare for tomorrow's class?你需要預備明天的功課嗎?
* Do you have to… 你要....
* Do you want to… 你想...
* Do you plan to… 你計劃....

2012-02-28 13:29:47 補充:
Have you prepared for your class tomorrow?你已經為明天上的課預備好了嗎?
Do you prepare for tomorrow's lesson?是普通英語,不見得是什麼中式英文。衹是問的內容不同,為什麼要強行加入"已經"呢?
當然問題是進行式Are you preparing for tomorrow's lesson?(你正在預備明天的功課嗎?)意思會較好。

2012-02-28 13:36:28 補充:
Do you prepare for tomorrow's lesson?是普通英語,不見得是什麼中式英文。
例如:You're using Microsoft Word to prepare a class handout for tomorrow's lesson.--見下參考

現在進行式Are you preparing for tomorrow's lesson?(你正在預備明天的功課嗎?)的問法會較好。

2012-02-28 18:40:30 補充:
How do you prepare for tomorrow...?
Why do you prepare for tomorrow...?
When do you prepare for tomorrow...?
Why do you prepare for tomorrow...?
我不以為"你預備明天的功課嗎?"的原意不太清楚,Do you prepare for tomorrow's lesson?就是這個意思的英文問法來的。

2012-02-28 18:48:45 補充:
2012-03-11 6:24 am
You Like English And I Like Putonghua 23 Z-Answer
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2012-03-09 9:25 am
Beijing English Identity Inge (86) 10

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Basic English Identity Idioma No.(26)

Basic English Idioma Putonghua (23)

Ba si ceng li shi di o ma pu tong hua 2012 Educational Identity Our Ebase
2012-02-28 11:05 pm
1. 明天的功課,你預備好了嗎?
2. 你在預備明天的功課嗎?

是 1. 的話,是 Have you prepared for
是 2. 的話,是 Are you preparing for

至於 lesson of tomorrow 或者 tomorrow's lesson 都不重要。
所以哪句好,要看你是想說 1. 或是 2.

還有,你應該不是在問英文句子解釋,你應該是在問中文句子翻譯。因為你中文句子詞義不清,所以實在不知道應該按 1. 或者按 2. 來翻譯。

2012-02-29 18:03:30 補充:
3. 你(要)預備明天的功課嗎 ?
是 3. 的話,那是 Do you need to prepare for

tomorrow's lesson 口語化,lesson of tomorrow 文法上較嚴緊。
2012-02-28 8:39 am
Actually I don't really get it. 你預備明天的功課嗎? It doesn't make sense don't you think?

功課need to prepare?

Please explain.

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