中學英文自己介紹 2分鐘

2012-02-28 6:06 am


回答 (2)

2012-03-13 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My English name is Lisa.
I am 13-year-old.
I was born in the Mainland China.
Now I live with my parents in Hong Kong.
I have my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother and my sister. My family is a single-parent family because my father and my mother have been divorced. So I live with my grandparents. My father is a businessman trading flora and my mother is a nurse. I am shy when I meet a stranger.
However I shall be active if we get acquainted.
I am interested in cycling and collecting stamps.
My expertise is cooking. I can make some delicious dishes. After finishing my study in school,
I hope to work in a restaurant.
Then I shall be trained how to face problems.
At the same time,I shall learn more.
I hope after a few years' training and having enough money,
I would have a Western-style restaurant .
I wish I would succeed in my business.
Although it is not easy, but I will work hard and seriously.

2012-03-13 15:07:04 補充:

my father and my mother have been divorced.--------不十分正確


my father and my mother have divorced.--------正 確
2012-02-28 9:05 pm
如果你係話留深刻印象就有少少困難啦~ 因為除左個speech之外, 你本身既deliver speech skills都好重要的~~
就如你講你樂觀~同愛笑, 咁你對自己呢種性格有乜感想?

至於skills黎講可以講又難又簡單~ 就係要放鬆d, 好似同個考官傾計, 咁先可以發揮得最好:)

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