If I had..... , I would....

2012-02-28 1:29 am
If I had a time machirce,

I would.......(例出十句) ^~^最好係自己作的

回答 (3)

2012-02-28 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
同學仔你果句句子係咪有少少錯= =?
should it be time machine?
同埋呢個係conditional sentence黎架bo...
係咪應該係If I have a time machine, I would xxxxxxxxx

anyway, let me show you some examples :)
1.I would correct my mistakes in the past
2.I would study harder
3.I would go to the ancient China
4.I would behave well
5.I would be more obedient

諗唔到住- -另外5個自己諗na~~

2012-03-02 4:08 am
Thank you so much
2012-02-28 3:46 am
If I had a dog, I would be happy
If I had money, I would buy a PS3
If I had a girlfriend, I would get married
If I had worked harder, I would get a good result
If I had listened to my parent, I would have a decent career

If I had bought a mobile phone, I would send message to my schoolmates
If I had taken my grandma to the hospital, I would not be regretful
If I had won the first prize of the mark-six, I would invite my family to travel all over the world
If I had had a breakfast, I would have full of energy for tackling the whole day tasks
If I had time, I would sleep entirely
參考: Give me stars if you like~~~

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