What to do about an over-sensitive smoke alarm?

2012-02-27 4:15 am
Our new apartment is great but for our smoke alarms. They're incredibly sensitive, even something as simple as making toast will set them off and they cannot be deactivated until they stop detecting smoke. To make things even more complicated, they are situated on the very top of our vaulted ceiling...30 feet off the floor.

To make things worse, the units are hardwired and dont use batteries. They also cant have their sensitivity turned down AND we dont have (or have access to) a ladder tall enough to reach them.

This is driving us crazy. We cant get to them to pull them down, our landlord wont disconnect them, and they go post-office when we make toast.

Any ideas?

回答 (6)

2012-02-27 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
My husband is a "Fire-phobe," so we have those ultra-sensative detectors in the home!

I have constructed a "fan on a stick." I got one of those cardboard 'church fans' that ladies use in churches that are not air-conditioned and securely taped it to a tall stick. When the smoke detector goes off, I just wave it enthusiastically in front of the detector. It soon quits beeping.

It is good that your apartment complex is so safety conscious. Unfortunately, I often see articles in our daily paper about fires in apartment complexes. There are usually deaths with those fires.

Give the "fan on a stick" a try!
2012-02-27 4:52 am
I would make it a LL issue to clean the smoke alarm vents twice a year. I'd also clean the toaster. Could be you burning crumbs that would otherwise have been removed by cleaning.
2012-02-27 4:29 am
You could probably get in big trouble if you did try to deactivate it. It may even be illegal. But I would think if you keep complaining and it keeps going off they are going to have to do something. Also the term is "go postal". Let them go postal unless you are using a flame thrower to make toast then it's not your problem. If you would like to help the problem a little you can put a fan in there and make sure to circulate the air.
Finally if you were to disable the smoke alarm and something happened like a fire that spread to other units you could be criminally liable especially if someone go hurt. If by some stroke of luck they did not file criminal charges the others could sue you. So it would be best to work it out with the landlord.
2016-12-09 2:09 am
you may get specifically-made kitchen alarms that are much less comfortable to the time-honored kitchen "fumes". with reference to the others, it could desire to easily be dirt or fluff built up on the sensor interior - in our case it replaced right into a tiny spider crawling around interior which saved placing the ingredient off! you are able to desire to purpose gently cleansing them and notice if that makes any distinction, or it could desire to be less difficult interior the long-term to purchase some new ones after which you will comprehend the place you're. whilst our babies have been youthful and herself replaced into grilling them some burgers, it replaced into usual prepare to deliver one to stand decrease than the detector on the touchdown waiting to flap a towel at it, 'cos as quickly as you opened the kitchen door it would burst off. certain. And it replaced into in basic terms burgers for some reason.
2012-02-27 5:28 am
As a renter you are guaranteed certain rights against this kind of nuisance. There are smoke detectors that are made for kitchens that rule out nuisance alarms. Stand up for your rights and be informed. A photoelectric smoke detector will give you less false alarms from kitchen smoke. However, a properly ventilated kitchen should not be a problem. If your range hood vent does not vent to the outside then it is just blowing the smoke around your house until it sets off an alarm. Some cheap landlords use a hood range vent that just blows the smoke around and does not draw it out of the dwelling.
參考: Contractor for 20 years
2012-02-27 4:36 am
My detectors sometimes go off, about once a year. What's happening is that too much dust gets into the chamber and causes it to go off. I use a can of compressed air when it happens to me.

30 feet?!?! That's a three story building. But same difference - can't get to it. Try to convince the LL that too much dust is in the detector and it needs a simple cleaning with compressed air.
參考: Just a guess from my experience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:09:02
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