Chemistry Drying Agent(15 pts)

2012-02-26 8:18 pm
Can anyone tell me how do drying agents(like CaCl2) work and what are the properties of drying agents. Also, how to remember which chemicals are drying agent, must I memorize them all?

回答 (3)

2012-02-29 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When CaCl2 crystal is heated to form powder form , it gives water off as the following :
CaCl.6H2O-----heat---->CaCl.2H2O + 4H2O----heat--->CaCl2 + 2H2O
As CaCl2 powder is formed by heating to give off water , when it exposes to humid air , it will absorb moisture to form a crystal . In this way CaCl2 powder is used to as a drying agent . Yes , you have to memorize all the agents .
2012-02-29 6:18 am
Talking about properties of drying agents, does "hygroscopic" counts?

2012-02-28 22:25:51 補充:
Actually, is drying agent working by forming water of crystallization/aqua complexes?
2012-02-28 10:59 am
1. CaO does react with water, so let's write an equation.
2. doesn't ammonia complexes with CaCl2? can't remember exactly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:33:36
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