Do you think our Secretary of State and president , they can solve Iran and syria problem ?

2012-02-25 8:19 pm

回答 (11)

2012-02-25 8:23 pm
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They are, fortunately for us, two very capable people. I doubt that either situation can be “solved” by this country but we have two of the best individuals possible addressing the situation on behalf of our country.
2012-02-26 4:31 am
Hillary Clinton has been to this point the most offensive and destructive
Secy State since Madeline Albright. Clinton is undermining this countrys
rights. She and Obama must have signed a devils pact to **** with this
country. For they both are hammering the snot out of it.

No they couldn't solve squat,
2012-02-26 4:28 am
They can't solve America's problems. They have no business interfering in the internal affairs of another country. No, I do NOT think they can solve anything.
2012-02-26 4:26 am
They both caused the problem to further the take over for the soreass mob.
2012-02-26 4:21 am
Yes they can , But it would be nice if we had a President that would say its none of our Business what they do
2012-02-26 4:21 am
Only if they apologize for America again. Actually no they cannot. Love your sarcasm though in this question!
2012-02-26 4:21 am
I don't see why these are their problems to solve. And,no, we can't "solve" Iran. But we don't have to worry about them, either, because one false move and we can wipe them off the planet. And they know that.
2012-02-26 4:28 am
Not their problem, it's the world's problem. Given Obama has been loud in defending the ongoing movement for Democracy in North Africa and the Middle East, his silence on the support of the "rebels" in Syria is interesting. Or perhaps he just wants the Muslim Brotherhood to establish a bridgehead and take it from there.
2012-02-27 2:48 am
If they would stop causing the problem, then there would be no problem.
2012-02-26 11:44 am
They've tried many many many times with diplomacy. If Iran were any other country, it would be so hard. Sadly, the Iranian government (and Syria) has some scary views and they believe they are right in a world of wrongs, so they aren't going to back down.

I really don't want war, but it seems that is the only way to stop these conflicts.

It was the same way with Nazi Germany (and their sidekicks, Austria, Italy, and Japan). Germany was a rich country until WWI happened and made Germany poor. Hitler with the Nazi Socialist party told the people that their old Germany could be restored, so he took power and installed very evil ideologies. These ideologies made it right to take money and rights from the Jewish people (who were all very rich in a land of poor Germans), gypsies, homosexuals, and others. No one really tried to physically stop them until the Germans/Axis egged on war. This case it was in the form of Pearl Harbor via Germany's ally, Japan. Yes, there were many diplomatic tries going on, but Axis thought they were right and no one could stop them.

---History repeats itself.---

No one wants war or can even afford it (America was facing the
Great Depression back then, now they face a Great Recession). There are many bad things going on in Iran and Syria and they are mistreating their people just as the Nazis did. BUT, no one will physically stop Iran and Syria until they pick a fight on America's (or their allies) turf. Sadly, it seems that it will happen very soon.

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