我band 幾

2012-02-26 4:42 am
我中文閱讀卷92.5分,中文寫作卷85分,中文說話95分,中文list100分。Eng就閱讀卷86分,寫作卷78分,說話95分, list100分。Math95分。常96分。讀協恩小學小六,我是band幾

回答 (7)

2012-02-26 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
你咁好成績,應該係band1頭啦,英文寫作 可以有8字頭會更加好:)

其實你唔擔心喎哈哈 , 你既老師會話比你知你band幾 ,仲會教你點簡中學呀果d,你跟住老師指示做,成績又唔好跌得西利,咁入有band1 好中學唔冇問題:D

參考: 自己經驗
2012-02-26 8:48 am
2012-02-26 7:07 am
2012-02-26 7:04 am
Undoubtedly, you are in Band 1. However, maybe you are between the middle and top group in the band.
2012-02-26 7:02 am
you is band 1
參考: meself
2012-02-26 5:36 am
好明顯喺band 1啦!
三科主科都喺A wo
參考: me
2012-02-26 5:07 am
以係的分 係band 1 但係你的寫作卷要高一些分

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