(20分)大學推薦信 中文翻譯英文, 千其唔好用翻譯機!

2012-02-25 8:38 am


(10分)大學推薦信 中文翻譯英文, 千其唔好用翻譯機!

回答 (3)

2012-02-25 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Mr. xxx, has graduated at xxx college with a xxx diploma, accomplished a total of 87 hours of science courses from 15 October 2011 to 3 March 2012. Over his period of study, it is proved to achieve with decent performances not only the assignment, but also a distinction of final result.


He has been struggling for working on service's sectors and societies, so as to interpret in more deeper on the real life, particularly the higher level of academic science. I have no hesitation to recommend Mr. xxx who is better to keep further studying on xxx subject at xxx university.
參考: Give me stars if you like!!!
2012-02-25 7:15 pm
From the translation device:-

A Testimonial for An Applicant.
This is to certify that Mr.xxx of(----) studied in special Diploma course in xxx College since Oct 15th---March 3rd this year. He had completed 87 hours in Science Studies in (-----) and had attained the requirement accomplished with an honour degree.
In order to serve the Business society (for a job),it seems commendated for him to attain further advanced studies in Science.
I would like to recommend Mr.xxx to acquire studies in xxx Dept in xxx University.
2012-02-25 3:49 pm
Letter of Testimonial
This is to certify that Mr. so and so studied in special course of diploma in so and so College; since October 15th last year to March 3rd this year,he had completed 87 hours in science study and that had fufilled the requirement with honourable degree.
In order to serving the society, it is necessary for him to attain further advanced study in science. Therefore, I would like to recommend Mr. so and so to study in so and so department of so and so college in so and so University.


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