This is a question to Atheists (who are in-deterministic): How can one have a free will if there is no God?

2012-02-24 11:49 pm
If there is no God who gives us the free will? How can one then conclude that one has a free will, and is not only acting by instinct. How can one know that every single decision one makes is caused by the environment and thereby the things which happens around us, how can one possibly know that they are not controlled by there their destiny and cannot act without doing what was ones destiny?
Sincerely a Christian Dane.

Thank you for your answers so far, some of them have some interesting points of viewing this subject, but never the less have you still not proven that any of you can act without having been affected by your surroundings. Please continue to prove your point.

回答 (13)

2012-02-25 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
"If there is no God who gives us the free will?"

And what's free will exactly? The ability to do whatever we desire to do most at any given moment in time? But that's pointless, as we never do anything OTHER than what we most desire to do at any given moment in time.

There's no point claiming it's great that a psychopath has freewill, and the 'choice' to not to murder random strangers, because the psychopath has no choice as to how pleasurable committing such an act will be, the psychopath has no choice that his desire to do such acts, is greater than his desire not to do them.


"How can one know that every single decision one makes is caused by the environment and thereby the things which happens around us, how can one possibly know that they are not controlled by there their destiny and cannot act without doing what was ones destiny?"

If they're controlled a destiny, then they are controlled not free. Are decisions created by the environment and our greatest desires at any given time of so called 'making the choice'? Or they are our decisions created by God?

Did God create our souls good or bad to start with, or did he leave it to his environment and other people, to decide whether a soul would find it MORE pleasurable/desirable to be a good or bad person?

We didn't design and create our own 'souls/spirits' if they exist. None of us are free to 'choose' which actions, will feel more pleasurable, whether good or bad.

The psychopath doesn't choose to find killing random strangers pleasurable. I, like most people, haven't chosen to be sickened even at the thought of doing such a thing. We haven't chosen to find such an act unpleasant and horrible.
2012-02-24 11:52 pm
your biblical god is giving me freewill in the same a robber is lovingly giving a cashier the opion to give the robber the money or not - at gunpoint. That's not freewill, that's forcing. If he's sending me to hell for my freewill, that conditional freewill is the same as god giving me the freedom to suffer - by his ow hand, nd not my own.
Without a god, there is no dictation and no authority to oppress the human race. I see no logic in your argument.
2012-02-24 11:51 pm
That literally makes no sense. If you have a "destiny" set by God, then you clearly have no free will. I don't believe in God or that my life is predetermined. I can do what I like
2012-02-24 11:54 pm
Why on earth do you think free will can't exist unless a magic sky daddy gives it to us? If there is no deity controlling the world we have free will automatically.
2012-02-24 11:53 pm
I believe in god too bro. But this is honestly a weak argument. Theres a part of the brain that gives us free will. Scientifically proven. The difference between me and atheists is that I believe god created science. Respectively
2012-02-24 11:52 pm
You are joking right? I was born with free will & do not believe that there is a god who demands worship or will send me to hell. If I had a parent or lover like that, they would end up in jail. THINK about it.
2012-02-24 11:51 pm
do you understand what free will means dumb christian.

Free will is to do as they choose and live in peace without any fear. Christians are master in meeting fear in people.
2012-02-25 12:10 am
Your question is without application of mind or blind belief in god have closed all in lets of your mind and u are now not able to think and decide rationally. If god gives us free will then where is need to worship him. But of course without the concept of god, you are at full liberty to enjoy life with free will.
As to things happening around us, this is either action or reaction of matters and/or ultra-matters i.e. waves like sound waves, light waves etc. at micro and macro level who are guided by various types of forces e.g. gravitational, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, ultra sound, heat etc.
2012-02-25 12:06 am
Sweetie, nobody gave us free-will. We create it whenever we choose to swerve instead of rushing like an unthinking lemming wherever the herd goes. We know we're not controlled by destiny because destiny doesn't exist. Nobody can force you to act unless you choose to act even though sometimes cause and effect can make it more desirable to act one way over another. Even choosing not to act is a decision and a choice that is exclusively your responsibility not something forced out of you against your will.
2012-02-24 11:58 pm
Free will = nothing pulling the strings.

I don't know how that could be more clear.
2012-02-24 11:53 pm
Nobody need to give us frer eill.
The rest goes both ways. I can't prove it's bot destiny, you can't prove it is.
It's like I can't prove that this isn't just an elaborate dream, and you can't prove it's actual reality.
2012-02-25 12:00 am
i like this argument, but honestly it's wasted on these.

you have to explain to them either that if there is no God then the big bang was caused by what preceded it, the universe was caused by the big bang, the universe caused the earth...etc to the individual. so if there is no god there is nothing outside of the causal chain, and you are simply acting out preceded effects.

that is still a little to much for these to grasp.

You can also try the balanced equation method that whatever is in the outcome of something has to have that same thing go into it. this is true in chemistry, math, biology, etc. If we have as the product have free will then there must have been something with free will that went into the equation.

still most wont get that.
2012-02-24 11:54 pm
Who says we do have free will? How would we tell? The events in the world do not change one way or the other, so there is no way to tell the difference between a world with free will and one without.

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