So many uncertainties in my life ahead.?

2012-02-24 6:21 pm
I'm getting old with so many uncertainties in my life ahead. I don't know how I should make a decision.

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2012-02-26 7:30 am
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Here is how to handle risks and uncertainty.

1) Create a back-up plan. Planning for the worst case scenario often eases the mind because it allows a person to be proactive, and often helps him realize that the situation may not be as bad as he thinks. For instance, if you believe that you may be in danger of losing your job because of lay-offs, create a plan to deal with that scenario. This plan may include beginning to submit applications for other jobs, looking into unemployment benefits, consulting with a financial adviser regarding your investments and savings, or looking at your budget to determine where expenses could be eliminated. If the worst case never occurs, you can return to your previous situation, but you have created an empowering plan of action in case it does.

2) Talk to others who have been through similar situations. If you're concerned about losing your job, talk to others you know who have been laid off. Talking to others who have weathered a similar situation helps you to realize that others have survived, and that the situation may not be as bad as previously imagined. These friends or co-workers can also offer valuable advice regarding resources that helped him through the hard times. If no one close to you can identify with your situation, seek out a group with members who are enduring the same trials that you are currently facing. These groups can be found on websites or at local churches and community centers.

3) Seek out counsel from professionals, such as a therapist or religious leader. Consulting a professional can give you perspective on a difficult situation; these individuals are trained in dealing with crises and will help you to assess the situation with a level head, which you are unlikely to to be capable of when in the midst of a crisis. In addition to helping you work through your feelings, professionals can direct the conversation with questions that will help you to assess any actions that may have landed you in the current situation, and to identify preventative measures that could potentially save you from similar situations in the future.

4) Find healthy ways to relieve stress and positively direct your talents. Erma Bombeck famously said "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." While planning ahead and exploring your options is healthy, spending your time worrying about things that may never occur does nothing but raise your stress level. Better engage your time in healthy activities, such as exercise, spending time with friends or family or doing other activities you enjoy. This will reduce your stress level and leave you better equipped to deal with the challenges ahead. Furthermore, volunteering your talents at a local non-profit will help to keep your mind off of the situation at hand, while allowing you to make a positive impact on your community.

5) Practice positive self-talk and directed thoughts. Mental health professionals have long noted that negative self-talk has a real effect on physical health. Instead of dwelling on mistakes or possible negative outcomes, focus on positive self-talk. This is easier said than done, and many find that making lists or journaling helps to establish this train of thought. One option is to create a gratitude journal. To keep a gratitude journal, list five positive things in a designated notebook each day in an effort to remind yourself of all the good things you have going for you, despite any setbacks you're currently experiencing. If you find yourself constantly occupied with negative thoughts, make a list of activities that will help you feel accomplished, and post it on the refrigerator where you can see it, and take on an activity when you feel yourself slipping into a state of sadness or anxiety. Ensure, however, that you find a positive outlet for these thoughts in the form of a therapist or friend.

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