What is common between Christianity and Buddhism's view on afterlife?

2012-02-24 12:16 pm
They both believe there is an afterlife similarly, hell represents suffering or underworld and paradise or heaven up in the sky which is Sukhavati in Buddhism.

but actually i am comparing their similarities

回答 (8)

2012-02-24 12:44 pm
Problem with the similarities is the differences.

First my experiences with the Buddhists are solely from the Pureland Sect. I apologise if I'm in error..

The Buddhists' after-life myths are a temporary place until it was time for reincarnation. For the Christians it's permanent.

The Buddhist have 7 (I think) locations while the Christians have _either_ 2 OR 3 (including Purgatory, depending on their Sect)

參考: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
2012-02-24 5:50 pm
Christians believe in the resurrection while Buddhists don't.

But you can say that both have some good teachings.
2012-02-24 4:37 pm
There are no common grounds between the two. Hell is not eternal, only a suffering realm where you suffer for the duration of your evil deeds, not eternal. Same thing is for the so call heaven, but for good deeds. Again heaven is not eternal.
2012-02-24 12:30 pm
neither will tell you that they both came from australian aborigine alien ayurvedas to subjugate and enslave earth spirits consciousness'.

the "anatta" doctrine in buddhism is the same as fundamentalist monotheism and the mathematical atheistic cosmological "big bang" "godgasm" model of creation. in other words, as 'propounded' by american comedian bill hicks: "we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively".

and they have their hunting packs PRETENDING to look for who it was at the start who had the bloody orgasm in the first place and made such a big 'scene' that they couldn't take care of 'all the little sad and angry people'. or that they just didn't care enough, as the whole christian story goes...


these white aussies know all about their past lives as the blackest of the black folks. everyone knows they only pretend to be stupid.

參考: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayurveda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamtime living in the middle of the schizophrenium falcon for the last 33.5 years. reincarnation of ned kelly.
2012-02-24 12:28 pm
common,,, I can think of something uncommon... that the afterlife is a chance to change your karma.
2012-02-24 12:21 pm
Buddhism hell is not eternal. It's for reincarnation.
2012-02-24 12:28 pm
As far as I know buddism is an agnostic religion made by a former hindu prince and later saint Gautam buddha. Agnostic religion is supposed to not believe in after life. But it believes in incarnation/ rebirth etc. It is supposed to have similarities with Hinduism since it is derived from it not with christianity which is Abrahamic.
2012-02-24 12:27 pm
Difference is as vast as universe--from earth to Andromida--or maybe further. modern Christianity preaches that one can kill, kill, kill and kill, and then be forgiven and go to heaven, while his gentile victims shall rest in hell.
Buddhism, on the other hand, is all about sacrifice--and its eternity is the cycle of life

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