the Active & Passive Voice

2012-02-25 5:32 am
Please help me to change the following sentences into active voice:

-My new car was stolen by the thief.

-The cake will be iced by mother tomorrow.

-He is treated with respect by his workers.

-The ten apples were brought by his uncle.

-The chair chairs have been made by her in two weeks.

-Are watches repaired by that man?

-Has the room been tied up by her?

-His portrait is being pointed by the artist.

-The accident was witnessed by Hanson.

-The bicycle will be ridden by me.

It is quiet in a hurry, so please help me if you know the answers. Thank you! :D

回答 (1)

2012-02-25 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The thief stole my new car.
2. Mother will ice the cake tomorrow.
3. His workers treat him with respect.
4. His uncle brought ten apples.
5. She has made the chairs in two weeks.
6. Does that man repair watches?
7. Has she tidy up the room?
8. The artist is pointing at his portrait.
9. Hanson witnessed the accident.
10. I will ride the bicycle.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:43:28
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