
2012-02-24 5:37 pm
i need someones help.....
can someone help me to correct this ......
because its little bit doesn't make sense...
so i need someone which is very good in english correct it for me......
and i wish that person can using some professionals word....

i really need help....plzz

{ Most peoples like cheese cake, but myself doesn't like the ordinary cheese cake, because it testy bit oily . So, in my design idea I would like to try to low fat cream cheese to make my cheese cake, therefore i could add some thing coconut milk or lemon juice to try to cut down the oily testy.also i would like to use different type of biscuit to make my bacses, maybe i can mix different type of biscuit together or i can bake my own biscuit and i woulod like to add some fruit into my cheese cake ; e.g.: frozen fruit, dry fruit or fresh fruit to contain the Titles of my coursework.}

回答 (2)

2012-02-24 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
{ Most peoples like cheese cake, but myself doesn't like the ordinary cheese cake, because it testy bit oily . So, in my design idea I would like to try to low fat cream cheese to make my cheese cake, therefore i could add some thing coconut milk or lemon juice to try to cut down the oily testy.also i would like to use different type of biscuit to make my bacses, maybe i can mix different type of biscuit together or i can bake my own biscuit and i woulod like to add some fruit into my cheese cake ; e.g.: frozen fruit, dry fruit or fresh fruit to contain the Titles of my coursework.}

people > 無S
testy > tasty
some thing coconut > some coconut mike

Most of the people like cheese cake, but I Iike ordinary cake only cause its taste so oily .In my opinion I will make a low fat cheese cake.I will add some coconut mike and juice , biscuit or fruit to cut down the oily .This is my dream cheese cake .
2012-02-25 1:02 am
由尾數上來看吧這句…to contain the Titles of my coursework是甚麼意思呀?是因為功課的要求/名堂要有FRUIT? 另外太多串錯字和按中文口語等來寫出一堆英文字。唔好意思要咁講是希望你明白英文的結構和文法跟中文/你的母語不同,就算要作普通文章或食譜都要啱英文文化格式才得,唔好咁快就想寫到professional。 例如:我本人/本身 ≠ myself, testy(你自創的字) = taste, could/would是假設性可能的語法在這裏未必合適-你是說明你實際將會的做法而不是「希望」。Most peoples like cheesecakes, but I don’t like ordinary cheesecakes because it tastes oily. I will try to use low-fat cream cheese to make my cheesecake. And I will add some coconut milk or lemon juice to cut down the oily texture and fatty taste. I will mix a variety of biscuits to make the base (crust?) for the cake. I may bake some special favour biscuits myself or choose different types of readily made biscuit for this. Finally, I want to add some fruits, perhaps blueberry and raspberry into my cheesecake to increase the acidity of the taste. A “mixed fruit low-fat cheesecake” is the title of this course work.[I’m no pastry or dessert cook, this is best I can do to stimulate your course of learning.]

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