
2012-02-24 5:08 pm

In this idea , I will like to use difference flavour to work out which flavour is most people would like. And maybe I will try to use different type of cream to make my mousse. also I can try to use different type of biscuit to work out which one is more fit to each other, because this idea is ‘ Mango Mousse Cake’, I will like to use different type of mango and sugar to try the difference.

回答 (3)

2012-02-24 6:35 pm
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In this demonstration, I would like to use various flavours to see which one people like the most. By using that, I would try to make the mousse by various kinds of cream together with that of biscuit for making my ideal 'Mango Mousse Cake". Then I would try to combine various kinds of mango together with that of sugar to see the difference.
2012-02-24 6:22 pm
For my idea of cakes' cooking, Making use of diverse favors added in the cakes is most fundamental. As an example of making a cream mousse, I would like to opt various kind of creams and biscuits instead of fixed ingredients of each cake. As for preparing a "Mango Mousse Cake", I would test in my approach like trying unlike mango or sugar so as to see the different of consequences.
參考: Give me stars if you like~~~
2012-02-24 6:02 pm
In this idea, I will like to try different flavours in order to know which flavours are most people prefering. In addition, I am going to mix certain type of creams to make my mousse. Next, I am going to taste different type of biscuits to discover the suitable one. Apparently, the idea is " Mango Mousse Cake" ,so I will vary the type of mango and amount of sugar.
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:33:14
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