有關top up & part time degree的問題

2012-02-24 8:28 am
本人今年HIGH DIP畢業,有幾個問題想問:
1. BSc (Hons) in Aviation Management - Cityu SCOPE & Coventry university / Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Polyu SPEED & Northumbria university 邊個好啲?
2. 讀完top up, 係咪一定要拎去"學術評審"? "學術評審"係咩來?
3. 讀完top up, 將來可唔可以再讀local 的part time degree (e.g. POLYU)?
Thank You!

回答 (1)

2012-02-24 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Polyu SPEED & Northumbria university 好啲.
It is because it can get full exemption to be the charter member of CILT (www.cilt.org.hk) CILT is a profession body in logistic industry

2."學術評審" is 評審 your degree is meet the local degree level or not.
It is useful for you to apply government jobs e.g. EOII, AO
It is useful for you to apply CUHK Master degree. CUHK website mention that all the oversea degree MUST need to 評審by HKCAAVQ before application for study their Master degree

3. yes, you can study local part time degree after study top up degree but nobody do this. Most of the student directly study local Master degree after finish study top up degree
參考: my study experience

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