Are you afraid of dead people?

2012-02-22 2:19 pm
Are you afraid of real dead people.. Not those you see in Video or pictures..

回答 (16)

2012-02-22 2:25 pm
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I'm more afraid of poop than of dead people.
2012-02-22 2:21 pm
No, I am more afraid of normal people
2012-02-22 2:20 pm
I poke them with a stick.
2016-10-01 6:56 pm
nah me not the two terrified of ineffective bodies! remember Oneday we will die and grow to be a ineffective physique , later it is going to decompose and could save the remainder cranium! each Human will die , its a existence circle! Why ought to we scared? those all and sundry is the only leaving to Heaven! we've a query and answer Day with God!
2012-02-22 3:15 pm
Hello Ronald, no. Usually the field would be around the dead body till it is cremated or buried. Later it would be at the same place where death occurs. It seems it will be within the hold of gravitational field for at least 12 days and gradually it would be freed from the gravity. Usually any spirit could influence one only through the thoughts ie mental status. It cannot directly hit or do any harm to any one. But influencing the mind it could direct any one to act according to its wish and so some deadly activity could be executed. So we must keep our mind pure and strong enough not to be influenced by any spirit. This is possible as we chant some mantras within the depth of consciousness.
2012-02-22 2:24 pm
No, they don't freak me out at all :P Dude, I work at a haunted trail and we have a real graveyard with dead people far back in the woods :DD
2012-02-22 2:22 pm
I've been responsible for so many in my job, that it's second nature now
2012-02-22 2:21 pm
Not too difficult to avoid luckily!
2012-02-22 2:20 pm
No, it's not as if dead people can hurt me.
2012-02-22 2:20 pm
Not afraid .... More like creeped out by them

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