
2012-02-23 3:24 am
開左張支票比一間公司, ABC enterprises ltd,
但抬頭寫左ABC enterprise ltd (漏左個s),

回答 (2)

2012-02-25 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
開左張支票比一間公司, ABC enterprises ltd,但抬頭寫左ABC enterprise ltd (漏左個s),唔知會唔會彈票呢? 答: 或許, 在回應問題之前, 容筆者先做營商常規的預設; 以ABC Enterprises Ltd.為例,這是一間出售航空機票和酒店房間的旅行社, 因此, 常出現: 1.) 公司收回客人支票的面額, 一般介乎$500至$40,000之間; 2.) 銀行與這公司的關係, 已有年多了, 一切順利, 迄今沒有特別的問題發生;現在, 出現問題的支票(漏左個s), 金額是$6,000, 基於上述客觀條件的考慮, 銀行是會讓有關的支票通過, 不會 “彈票” 。 筆者, 前銀行職員
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-02-23 3:32 am
Normally the bank will not accept the cheque when it is being paid in as the name of the payee is different from the account holder. The cheque should be corrected and may have to be signed by the payer for such change.

2012-02-22 19:36:23 補充:
If the cheque is not crossed with account payee only, the receiving bank may consider to credit your account when the cheque is being deposited.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:37:37
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