
2012-02-21 10:31 pm
我想要6~8句關於Chinese New Year 的簡單英文句子,是給小學一年級用的。唔該幫幫忙! thank you

回答 (4)

2012-02-23 1:29 pm
1) Wish you a happyChinese New Year of Dragon !!
2) In Chinese New Year there are lion dance and eating green celebrations.
3) Lots of Chinese traditional foods are made for New Year's celebration such as glutinous cake, radish cake,turnip or taro cake, waterchestnut cake, turnip or taro chips, candies, crisps, etc.
4) To celebrate the Chinese Luna New Year, there are Good-luck slogans and Red scroll hanging and Horizontal scroll hanging or displaying on the doors.
5) To provide good fortune, red-luck packet money are distributed to children by their parents.
6) In the eve of Chinese New Year, all family members are gathering together to have a big feast.
7) To celebrate the Chinese New Year, firecrackers or fireworks are played.
2012-02-22 4:52 am
1) I like eating turnip pudding
2) Do you like Nian Gao?
3) How many (Lei See(s) or Red packet(s) or Red envelope(s) )do you have?
4) We have annual firework at the second day of Lunar New Year
5) We always stick red couplet on the wall
6) On the first day of Lunar New Year we cannot wash our head
參考: Give me star if you like!!!
2012-02-22 1:08 am
We may get sick, not we may sick.
2012-02-22 12:27 am
1. we feel happy in chinese new year!!
2. we can get red pocket in chinese new year
3. we can eat many things in chinese new year
4. most of people will smile in chinese new year
5. we may sick after chinese new year becuase we eat lots of things!!
參考: me

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