
2012-02-21 9:27 pm
良民證, 戶籍謄本還有診所的出生證明



回答 (2)

2012-02-26 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
美國投資移民面試中經常出現的問題(1) 詢問學習目的  What's your purposeor what will you do in the US?  What do you intendto do in the United States?  Why do you want togo to the US?  (2) 選擇這所學校的原因  Which university doyou plan to attend?  Why did you choosethe school?  What do you thinkof …university?  (3) 學習的期限  How long do youplan to stay in America?  How long will youstay in US?  (4) 申請幾所學校  How many schoolsdid you apply for?  (5) 專業及主攻方向  Why do you choosethis major?  Which major?  Which degree willyou pursue in America?  What will you studyin the United States?  What is your major?  In what aspect ofyour major will you study?  What will you do inUS?  Why did you choose…as your major?  Please explain indetail why you chose… university in academic standards。  Can you give areal-life example of your topic?  (6) 怎麼知道的這所學校  How do you knowabout this school?  Why do you receivefinancial aid from…university?  (7) 現在的工作  What do you do inChina now?  (8) 經濟狀況和獎學金  How can you affordto pay that sum of money?  How much is yourmonthly salary?  What kinds ofscholarship will the school offer you?  How much is yourparents' salary?  What do you parentsdo?  (9) 畢業後經濟狀況  How much will youearn after graduation?  (10)託福和GRE以及GMAT成績  What is your TOEFLand GRE or GMAT score?  (11) 家庭的紐帶  What does yourspouse do?  Are you married?  What do yourparents do?  (12)畢業後的工作打算  What will you doafter you get your degree?  What are you goingto do after your graduation?  What are you goingto do after you get your degree?  (13)政治觀點  What is youropinion about Sino-US relations?  Are you against theUS?  (14)出國經歷  Have been abroad?  What countries havebeen to?  (15)拒簽原因  Do you know why youwere denied last time?  (16)是否要求更換面試簽證官  Do you agree to letother officer deal with your application?簽證官問的主要問題基本上就是這些,但回答差別卻很大,每人的情況不同,可根據情況而定。
2012-02-21 10:38 pm
良民證, 戶籍謄本直接申請英文本


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