光強度的問題 (µW / cm2)

2012-02-21 7:15 am

UV Lamp Output (µW / cm2)7,500UV Lamp Output @1m (µW / cm2)57
UV Lamp Output (µW / cm2), UV Lamp Output @1m (µW / cm2) 兩者分別為何呢?
UV Lamp Output , 無說離光源多遠量度的,初時以為於一米之遠度,但後來發現 UV Lamp Output @1m ... 然則,UV Lamp Output 所指為何?


天同( 知識長 ): 多謝解答。即係量度處為燈管表面?


UV Lamp Output (µW / cm2) = 7,500 量度處為燈管表面?


http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/282334749/T5_Quartz_Germicidal_lamp_UVC_lamp_.html?s=p UV Irradiance (μW/cm2) UV-C≥ 16 UV-C≥ 20 UV-C≥ 22 又無講明係咪254nm波長,又無講喺邊到度 ... 真係頭都大埋 ... 如果當喺1cm處度,那UV強度太弱了!

回答 (2)

2012-02-21 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
UV lamp output refers to the UV power at close proximity to the lamp. You could take the distance to be about 1 cm. Hence, the power is much higher that that measured at 1 metre.

Be aware that the inverse square law doesn't not apply here because at close distance, the lamp cannot be regarded as a "point source". Hence, if we use the inverse square law to calculate the power output at 1 metre (100 cm), this turns out to be 7500/100^2 uw/cm^2 = 0.75 uw/cm^2, which is lower than the actual measured value of 57 uw/cm^2.

2012-02-21 14:17:58 補充:
Your suppl question:
Yes, you could regard the figure as measurement near the surface of the uv lamp. As said in my answer, because the lamp cannot be taken as a point source, inverse square law doesn't apply. In fact, the uv intensity falls off less than that calculated by using inverse square law.

2012-02-21 14:22:20 補充:
(cont'd)... The intensity value given at 1 metre enables intensity as farther distances to be calculated. As at distances of a few metres away, the point source approximation can apply,...

2012-02-21 14:22:40 補充:
(cont'd)... and intensity can now be calculated using inverse square law based on the given intensity at 1 metre. This is the use of that value.
2012-02-21 7:34 am

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