
2012-02-20 5:51 pm
突然諗起 : 如果無人攪 D 魚,一代一代接落去都唔錯喎。
回心再諗 : 呢 D 魚嘅祖先那裡來的呢?

Dear gopal_design之深海歷奇, I agree your point #1. An extend question: Normally, the fish in 山溪 can 一代一代接落去, but if some body killed all fish in a 山溪 by some means, and if no "lowland turn into highland" happens, then... there will not be any more fish forever, is it true?

回答 (1)

2012-02-23 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are few possibilities:

1. When the fish's ancestors lived there, the place is a lowland. After millions of years, the place turned into a highland with the some kind of fish.

2. Someone caught it from the freshwater streams, and brought it here to release it.

3. Some kinds of fish could go upstream by leaping up the water.

4. These are aliens.

5. You have eye problems.

It's a good imagination you have, and I appreciate it.
But mabye you should pay more attention to the scenery beside you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:35:40
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