Korea is getting stronger and stronger?

2012-02-19 9:13 am
Since Korea is getting stronger, better and nicer, will other people be jealous of Korean?
As everyone knows, Korea is the #1 economy in the world with best and strongest military in the world. Also, Korea's aerospace technology is number one in the world too.
Hey, don't forget all the great space program and technology such as speed of light transportation and potential time travel are from Korea too. Almost all westerners speak Korean fluently too.

Are Korean worried about jealousy from other countries? How can they handle it?

回答 (8)

2012-02-19 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Really good drugs huh? Korea is in fact the number 11 economy in the world....well behind the US and China (#1 and #2). It's military is and has always been propped up by the US military. Has no carriers, very few subs, and uses mainly US based/designed equipment. The Russians, Americans, Chinese and the French are still ahead of Korea as far as space programs are concerned. Not going to even touch your last two comments. Thanks for the 2 points.
2012-02-19 11:03 am
You took a new drug that anybody hadn't try didn't you?
2012-02-19 4:47 pm
If Korea so strong why is the U.S. Base Between North and South Korea? If South Korea have the strongest Military they wouldn't have problems with North Korea who have Nukes.
2012-02-19 3:17 pm
It sounds like you're talking about the United States. The largest economy, the strongest military and the most advanced aerospace technology. Are you really this delusional or are you just trolling?
2012-02-19 12:33 pm
Heeheehee, you sound like a Korean taxi driver.
2012-02-19 3:25 pm
0/10 troll harder next time.
2012-02-19 10:20 am
i dont think it is an important issue.
2012-02-19 9:17 am
As a Korean, but a Korean that has never been to Korea (I'm like Canadian.. Haha), I've never thought of it. Sure, they might get jealous, but would there be problems??
I think Korea isn't worried too much on the jealousy... Like America might be jealous, but they tend to get along...
My parents haven't really said much bout Korea (since one of them is a complete Canadian), but we still watch Korean news and all the dramas... LOL

I hope I helped.... :p

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