
2012-02-20 3:37 am

回答 (2)

2012-02-20 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
公民責任對社會有何重要性?1) 見到有罪發生必須舉報 : 如貪污

要打比 icac

2) 保護大自然 ,

破壞左 增快 左未日到臨

3) 保持環境清潔 ,

香港衛生好 , 人身體自然會健康 d 少病

其他 : 投票 / 受法 : 吾醉酒駕駛

2012-02-20 13:20:13 補充:

2012-02-21 13:42:33 補充:
最重要系交稅 !
2012-02-21 2:41 am
How to Promote the Importance of Generosity and Civic Duty?

Have you ever gone to the store or a public place and experience the death of common courtesy? There are the people who will cut you off to get that prized parking spot. Then there is the able bodied young man who will cut in front of an elderly woman in the checkout line. Only because he deems his time is more important than hers. I have even had a person grab items out of my cart at holiday time just because there was none left on the shelf. It is almost like we are bearing witness to the de-evolution of the human beast. What has happened to common courtesy, generosity and civic duty? Why do we lack compassion for our fellow man? Have we become so hardened by world events we find it impossible to care for others? As a civil society we must do all we can to promote generosity and the importance of civic duty. We must elevate ourselves through kind acts instead of lowering ourselves to the status of barbarians. Each one of use should take responsibility by leading by example. There are some keys ways of doing this. Being a Wiccan I believe and live by the Wiccan Rede. What you do unto others will return to you three fold. This ideology however can translate to anyone of any faith. I am a firm believer if you put forth positive energy and deeds you will receive positive results in return. You would be absolutely amazed at how a kind word or compliment from a total stranger can change your whole day. Unless you already have been the recipient of one of course. Get into the habit of doling out compliments and kind words. Remember the fundamentals of simple common courtesy. Open doors for others. Do not dodge in front of others in line because you are five minutes late for work. People today have a tendency to lose themselves in their own self importance. Hopefully if enough of us flex the common courtesy muscle it will become an infection of the good sort.
參考: 民主國家的公民知道,他們如果要受益於社會對自己權利的保護, 就必須為社會承擔責任。

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