life without i.t.的作文(100-200)

2012-02-20 2:00 am
life without i.t.的作文(100-200) thx

回答 (2)

2012-02-20 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
People lives with technology. From transportation, relaxation to the production of food and manufacturing. All of them requites technology. Once IT is gone, human beings will fall back to which we have to produce everything by our owns. It will just be a disaster.

Although some grownups said that youngsters had overused technology. We tap the screen and plug music into our ears without looking out the real world. It may be a downfall of our civilization. However, techonology had done a real good to us.

We invented technology for improving our lives. For speeding up our civilization. I can not deny that some of us may have misused it for damaging our world like killing others by bullets or even dropping the atomic bomb in war. We should stive a balance in between. IT is essential for us, however, life without IT seems to be impossible for our mordern life. We just have to make it for a good use
參考: myself
2012-02-20 2:56 am
同學仔你好, 作文要自己作先有進步^^ 同埋你呢篇係中定英架~?

1.你自己認為it product對你生活有幾大影響? 點解? 你生活可唔可以冇左it?
2.你認為你自己係唔係過分依賴it? 點解?
3.如果你有一日冇左it product, 你會點? 你既生活會有乜改變?
4.你認為it product對呢個社會係有利 or 有害? or 需要平衡? 點解?
參考: 希望幫到你^^

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