
2012-02-20 12:03 am


這句英文 是否正確
We must keep smiling and civility to make a good impression on our guest.

回答 (6)

2012-02-20 1:48 am
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English Translation

表達"我們必須保持微笑和禮貌,令客人對我們留下好印象。"We must keep smiling and civility to make a good impression on our guest.這句英文差不多正確。除了:我們不說keep civility,可改為show civility。
"令客人對我們留下好印象"英文可說"to give our guest(s) a good impression of us."


We must keep smiling and show civility to give our guest(s) a good impression of us.

2012-02-19 18:33:57 補充:
"令客人對我們留下好印象"英文也可說"to leave our guests with a good impression of us".
We must keep smiling and show civility to give our guests of good impression of us.

2012-02-19 18:35:22 補充:
We must keep smiling and show civility to leave our guests with a good impression of us.

2012-02-21 07:47:50 補充:
. Civility 一字,keep civility 維持禮貌可用於像開會keep civility in the meeting, 網上問答平台keep civility in online forum. 但員工表現有禮貌用show civility才正確。

2012-02-21 10:48:24 補充:
I want to correct this in an answer above:"must" is is an ordering form, which means you must do it or you will die."
"Must" is firmer in meaning than "ought to" but does not necessarily mean that failing the obligation will lead to a severe punishment.
2012-02-21 1:46 am
We must keep smiling and civility to make a good impression on our guest.

It's nothing wrong with this sentence. However; English people would
rather say it this way:

We ought to keep smiling and certain civility to leave a
good impression to our customers.

The word "ought" is strong enough for what you meant, yet
"must" is is an ordering form, which means you must do it or you will die.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.
參考: Self
2012-02-20 5:44 am
Essential for front line staff to keep smile with quality courtesy for all customers who leave a decent impression as a result of our professional services.

P.S There is no mistake for your sentence, it's okay!!!
參考: Give you another version for your reference^^
2012-02-20 2:41 am
We must maintain a smile and a polite, make a good impression on the guests of our.
參考: google
2012-02-20 1:06 am
We must keep our smile and be polite in order to leave customers a good impression.

但1定吾會系keeping smiling...抱歉
參考: 自己(:
2012-02-20 12:21 am
We must keeping smiling and civility to make a good impression for our guest.
這個才是對的呦!! ......應該......
參考: MY MOM

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