How to write a weekly diary

2012-02-19 8:06 am
That's diary of events if univ.kitscen?

回答 (2)

2012-02-20 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Weekly Diary TemplateFiled under Calendar Templates , office, school, weekly

Even though we are almost halfway through the year, it is surprising when you still need to find a diary template.We thought that you might like this blank weekly diary that you can customise and print off.If you would prefer a landscape version, then check out the weekly calendar templateson the site.Download as Power Point (PPT) file


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Download as Power Point (PPT) file

If you liked this PowerPoint Template we would appreciate some feedback on how you will use it. Please leave your feedback in the box below.
2012-02-19 3:02 pm
univ.kitscen ? What does it mean ?

2012-02-19 08:51:23 補充:
There is a request ahead of you titled "英文週記250字"
May be you can share the answer with that owner because somebody has already responded to that posting.

2012-02-21 14:59:32 補充:
這是本網站的搞笑版 ?

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