
2012-02-18 8:57 pm

我校每個主題均會進行學習評估,為了提升學習成績及培養溫習的良好習慣,由本個主題開始,評估前一周,均會派發溫習工作紙,請 貴家長督促 貴子弟溫習,並於下周上課日交回班主任。

回答 (3)

2012-02-19 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
我校每個主題均會進行學習評估,為了提升學習成績及培養溫習的良好習慣,由本個主題開始,評估前一周,均會派發溫習工作紙,請 貴家長督促 貴子弟溫習,並於下周上課日交回班主任。

There is vital for the school that conducts a evaluation based on ability of students' study so as to let students keep on revision energetically for boosting results in diverse subjects. A revision worksheet before a week of evaluation will be distributed with reference to each certain topic, and must be submitted by hand to teacher in the next school day. Please be kindly advised all parents should keep on eye on review of their children's study.
參考: Give me star if you like!!!
2012-02-19 2:33 am
I will be learning each subject assessment, in order to enhance academic achievement and cultivate good habits of study, by the beginning of this topic, a week before the assessment, will be distributing study working paper, ask you parents to supervise your children to study, and returned to the class teacher school days next week.
2012-02-18 9:38 pm
English Translation

我校每個主題均會進行學習評估,為了提升學習成績及培養溫習的良好習慣,由本個主題開始,評估前一周,均會派發溫習工作紙,請 貴家長督促 貴子弟溫習,並於下周上課日交回班主任。
Our school will carry out a learning assessment on each theme topic. In order to enhance academic performance and foster good study habits, starting from this theme topic, revision work sheets will be distributed to all students one week before the assessment. We request all parents to supervise students in their revision and returning of the work sheets to the form teachers on a school day in the following week.

2012-02-21 06:56:24 補充:

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