
2012-02-17 11:03 pm
我想問的, 並非 mark (所得分數)

而是 1/2, 1/4, 35/37 這些,
到底這些「分數」, 英文是什麼??

回答 (5)

2012-02-19 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
分數= fraction
Fraction means a proportion of one number to anther number

We usually have different ways to express some commonly used fractions e.g. 1/2, 1/4 etc

1/2, we say one half, one over two
1/4, we say one quarter/ a quarter of... / one forth/ one over four

for other fractions like 35/37, we usually use A over B, which A is the numberator and B for the denominator

so 35/37 is thirty five over thirty seven

2012-02-19 13:06:37 補充:
Andrew and ang****, both of you are wrong...
Clarence, you better get in touch with more natives, I studied in the States too and they have other ways to read the numbers out. It seems that your Chinese is deteriorating, you did not fully answered the question

2012-02-24 21:15:45 補充:
Clerance, I don't want to start the arguement, other users' votes had showed their stands. Think twice when you critize someone.

p.s. for your reference, add "the" before a specific place and add 's' is some occasions. e.g. "THE StateS" God, common sense!
參考: , myself
2012-02-18 1:48 am
分數的英文是 fraction
2012-02-18 1:39 am
1/2: half
1/3: one third
1/4: quater
35/37:thirty-five thirtyseventh

2012-02-18 12:44 am
分數(在數學方面) = Fraction
二分之一(中文) => 1/2 (數字) => 1 on 2 / 1 over 2 (英文)
我正在外國讀書, 所以我很清楚
2012-02-17 11:17 pm


2012-02-23 13:24:39 補充:
Jason , you are not in Philippine and State . Remember you are in Hong Kong now.
Please go back to your State learn more !!!

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