Nice of you or Nice for you?

2012-02-16 6:30 pm
Some of my classmates said that it is wrong to say

It is common FOR students in universities to evaluate their lectures after each subjects.

The 'correct' answer they suggested was

it is common OF students ...

I wonder the first original sentence is correct because if I change 'for' to 'of', the sentence would mean 'the students are common...' instead of saying the action of evaluating by students is common

For example
It was nice of Tom to take the dog for a walk
(Tom is nice so he walks the dog)

It was nice for Tom to take the dog for a walk ('for Tom' = subject of the infinitive clause)
(It was a pleasant experience for Tom)

So could you kindly share your expert view on whether which one is correct?

Many thanks in advance.

回答 (2)

2012-02-16 6:33 pm
You are correct.
2012-02-16 6:44 pm
It is common for students . . . is correct. And you have properly understood it all.

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