誰能幫我?[English ]

2012-02-16 7:39 am
help me 2 correct the following sentences:

01. It's a sense of belonging that people in the wars now no need.

02. what i need now is encouragement not a lot of scold.

03. the most terrible problem to tackle among me is complex relations around me.

04.no matter when you are, you should be unassuming.

05.the elder age we have, the more issues we need to face.

06.the more carefully you be, the fewer enemies you face.

07.just be yourself whatever masses think about you.

08.sue would rather start working than continue her studies.

09.when should be done to understand complex interpersonal relationship.

10.my mum talk a lot about Carman as if i were not her child.

11.while we have been in same class for 3 years, we still get along as strangers.

回答 (3)

2012-02-16 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

01. It's a sense of belonging that people in wars that no longer needs.

02. What i need now is encouragement not a lot of scolding.

03. the most terrible problem to tackle [ ] is complex relations around me.
[ ]是多餘的,但不知其實要改甚麼。全句用terrible problem 和 complex relations around都不是常用的句式 - 全句重寫The most difficult problem I have to tackle is complex relations in my life.

04.no matter where you are, you should be unassuming.

05.the older we are/become, the more issues we need to face.

06.the more carefully you are, the fewer enemies you face.

07.just be yourself no matter what masses(people) think about you.

08.sue would rather work than continue her studies. [start working是很中文的寫法-打工是沒有所謂的開始的]

09.What should be done to understand complex interpersonal relationship.

10.my mum talk a lot about Carman as if i am not her child.

11.while we have been in the same class for 3 years, we still like strangers. [get along是友好融洽 - 跟stranger是不配/錯的結合]
2012-02-16 4:41 pm
Helping you in( English) 09:-
What should be done to understand complex interpersonal relationship?
2012-02-16 10:39 am
The difficulties is on the meanings of the sentences, not their grammar nor expressions. With a lot of guesswork, here is my try.

1. People strongly need a sense of belonging at wartime, not now.
2. What I need now is encouragement, not a lot of scolding.
3. Among the many problems I need to tackle, the hardest one is how to handle the complex relationship surrounding me.
4. No matter where you are, you should be unassuming.
5. The older we are, the more issues we have.
6. The more careful you are, the fewer enemy you'll face.
7. Just be yourself, disregard what others think about you.
8. Sue would rather get a job than continue her study at school.
9. What can we do to understand complex interpersonal relationship ?
10. My mom keeps talking about Carman as if I were not her child.
11. Although we have been in the same class for three years, we still treat each other as strangers.

2012-02-16 05:11:32 補充:
The hardest is number 9. I think you can also say

How could we instead of What can we do.

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