F4 Equation of Staright Lines

2012-02-16 6:29 am
27. Find the possible equations of two straight lines L(1) and L(2) such that the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) L(1) has a positive x-intercept, L(2) has a negative x-intercept.
(b) L(1) is perpendicular to L(2).

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2012-02-20 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let L(1) : y = mx + c , L(2) : y = ( m" )x + c"

L(1) has a positive x-intercept,
i.e. m < 0
L(2) has a negative x-intercept,
i.e. m" > 0

L(1) is perpendicular to L(2),
i.e. ( m )( m" ) = - 1
m = - 1 / m"

So, L(1) : y = ( - 1 / m" )x + c and L(2) : y = ( m" )x + c"
One of the possible equations of two straight lines :
L(1) : y = ( - 1 / 2 )x + 1
L(2) : y = ( 2 )x + 1
參考: 自己

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