
2012-02-16 1:51 am



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2012-02-16 7:28 am
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有一個孤兒叫Tom(全名Tom MarvoloRiddle),自小覺得自己有一種與常人不同的能力,性格孤僻自傲。在他十一歲的時候,Hogwarts魔法學校的教授Dumbledore突然來到孤兒院找Tom,並告訴他其實他是一個巫師,而Hogwarts是專門訓練年青巫師(Wizard)和女巫(Witch)的學校。

Tom入讀Hogwarts之後,這個孤兒找到了真正像家的地方;他有驚人的天賦,成績名列前茅也當上了領袖生,也因為對Hogwarts這個「家」的迷戀,他發現了Hogwarts城堡的一些秘密(例如傳說中的「消失的密室」Chamber of Secrets)。他也對黑魔法(Dark Magic)產生特殊的興趣,也開始野心要以黑暗力量征服世界,並希望長生不死,靈魂長存。他在圖書館無意中讀到原來巫師可以把自己的靈魂分裂開,附在不同的物件上(該物件便成為一個分靈體:Horcrux),達到不死之身。他請教Hogwarts的教授Professor Slughorn,由於Slughorn教授鍾愛具天賦的學生,並以為Tom是出於對學問的好奇,便教會他製造Horcrux的方法,就是用殺人來撕裂自己的靈魂;可怕的是,Tom竟然追問教授,人的靈魂可不可以被分裂成好幾份呢?在Tom畢業離開Hogwarts之前,他已經成功製造至少一個Horcrux並打算把它藏起來,那他就可以靈魂長存(當時被殺的就是後來變了愛哭鬼的Myrtle)。

Tom畢業離開Hogwarts,逐漸擴張自己的黑暗勢力,並把自己的名字Tom Marvolo Riddle的英文字重整為:I am LordVoldemort(我是佛地魔),並徵召Death Eaters盡行惡事。當時,有些正義巫師和女巫組成了Order of Phoenix(鳳凰會)對抗Voldemort,爆發魔法界的第一次戰爭。Order裡其中兩個成員便是Harry Potter的父母:James Potter和Lily Potter,他們從Hogwarts畢業後不久便結婚了,Lily還正懷孕中,孩子準備在七月出生˙˙˙

另一邊廂,Dumbledore接任成為Hogwarts校長,在他的領導下,一邊對抗Voldemort一邊仍然培育著年輕的巫師。由於任教Divination(占卜術)的教授出缺,Dumbledore便到學校附近的村落Hogsmede Village面見一位應徵者Trelawney,她在面試中竟然作了一個預言,說現在的黑魔王Voldemort將會被打敗,而打敗他的人將會是一個在七月出生的男嬰˙˙˙
2012-02-17 5:00 am
16 Feb 2012 Thurday Forggy

Oh my god, I am not mad, but I do think that I've got magic......

Dumbledore finds me a few years ago, he's the headmister of Hogwarts - the magic school. He told me that I am a witch. I ma studing in Hogwarts now, teachers teach me spells......

I found out that "that person" (people tell me not to speak his name - Voldemort) is racking me. I can feel hime, it seems that he is going to kill me, but of course, i am totally safe in Hogwarts. When I ask Dumbledore, I got details about my mum and dad...

My mum and dad are members of Order of Phoenix. This is a club to fight with "that person". I haven't saw them even once... But more inportantly, I lost my mum and dad because of "that person"! My mumand dad save me with their lifes when "he" is trying to kill me.

Now, I know one things, very, very sure, that's "he" is going to kill me, and, he will never gives up. I am much sure about this these day, "he" is geting into Hogwarts. I wull not escape, I am going to pull him down!

Although I am not powerful enough to fight will him, but I'll prepare. And when the day I am powerful enough, that's the day when Voldemorts dead.

Harry Potter寫ge, 應該係English ga la.......

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