What to do if a guy gives you flowers at school?

2012-02-14 9:22 am
I know that you should thank them, but what are you supposed to do with the flowers. Is it rude to just put them in your locker for the rest of that day?

回答 (4)

2012-02-14 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, it is not rude to leave them in your locker for the rest of the day. but remember to bring it home, do not chuck it in the garbage as that would be rude.Is this guy in any way interested in you? Are you interested in him? yes? then hang out with him!

Good Luck!
2012-02-14 9:26 am
you could get one and where it in your hair or pin it to your shirt, the rest can go in the locker with no problem! but if you just put the whole thing in it seems that you don't care much, but then it depends if you like him back or not...
2012-02-14 9:26 am
Where else are you going to put them ??
2012-02-14 9:24 am
No. It's not rude at all. Where else are you gonna put them

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