
2012-02-12 10:51 pm
4.trekking pole
5.insect repellent
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2012-02-12 11:50 pm
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n. 名詞(防曬油中的)遮光劑
a cream or liquid that you put on your skin to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun The first effective sunscreen may have been developed by chemist Franz Greiter in 1938

2.torchn. 名詞 [C]火炬, 火把
a long piece of wood that has material at one end that is set on fire and that people carry to give lightThe torch was lighted. 火炬點亮了。【英】手電筒
a small electric lamp that uses batteries and that you can hold in your hand【美】(焊接用的)噴燈, 吹管
blowlamp(文化, 知識等的)光, 光芒[the S]We will hand on the torch which he hads handed to us.我們要把他傳授給我們的知識傳給後代。 【美】【俚】縱火者
3.compass n. 名詞羅盤, 指南針[C]
an instrument for finding direction, with a needle that always points to the northThe compass was first used in sailing.羅盤首先用在航海上。(製圖用的)圓規[P1]
an instrument with two long thin parts joined together at the top, used for drawing circles and measuring distances on a map範圍, 界線; 周圍, 界線[C][S1]
a range or an extent, especially of what can be achieved in a particular situation
Such things aren't within the compass of my power這些事不在我力可能及的範圍之內。.
Her actions went beyond the compass of proper social behavior她的舉動越出了正當的社交行為的範圍。【音】音域 vt. 及物動詞圖謀, 計劃圍繞...而行, 包圍達到, 獲得
He did everything within his power to compass his ends.
他竭盡全力以求達到目的。理解, 領會 4.trekking pole

n. 名詞

hiking stick
Descendants of the common walking stick, trekking poles are usually used by hikers for the same reasons — to provide some rhythm to their walking pace and for added support.

5 insect repellent
ph. 片語【化】驅蟲藥 An insect repellent is a substance applied to skin, clothing, or other surfaces which discourages insects from landing or climbing on that surface.

6 valleyn. 名詞 [C]山谷; 溪谷
an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it

The road gradually widened until we found ourselves in a large valley.路漸漸寬了起來, 最後我們走進了一個大的山谷。流域
the land that a river flows through低凹處【建】屋谷, 屋頂排水溝
2012-02-12 11:27 pm
1.sunscreen 防曬霜 (noun)
I always use sunscreen in summer to avoid making my skin hurts.

2.torch 電筒 (noun)
We need light in the dark, so that we use a torch to help us.

3.compass 指南針 (noun)
A compass helps us to make our ways when we get lost.

4.trekking pole 登山杖 (noun)
We use trekking pole for hiking.

5.insect repellent 驅蚊 (noun)
A insect repellent IS for avoiding insect biting us.


參考: Myself~ I need marks!!!!!

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