
2012-02-12 9:20 am
以下景點著名ge原因? 英文回答(簡短約20-40字)

1.Great Pyramid(金字塔)
3.Mount Fuji(富士山)
4.Grand Canyon(大峽谷)
5.Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌劇院)
6.Big Ben(大笨鐘)
7.Leaning tower of Pisa(比薩斜塔)
8.Tokyo Tower(東京塔)

Thank You!

回答 (1)

2012-02-13 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Constructed thousands year ago, many of myseries remained. With the name of ancient civilization, make high status in history and art. Attract people who like history and something exciting.

3. The highest mountain of Japan, with high status in history,religion and art. And the fantastic natural view through the season. Let people always travel.

4.The magnificent valley and rocks, movies of the wild west. Excited the people.

7. Something miscalculate during construction, made the tower leaning aside, and this attract people over the world to see.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:32:34
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