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We check inventory every month. We usually do it on Saturdays in the middle of a month. To simplify its procedure, we thought about checking only the warehouses that had been touched since the last check. But the people in charge told us, there are 400 local warehouses and more than 300 of them will have stocked moved in or out every month. Since the saving is small, it is better off for us to check all of them. We have about twelve people doing the job so normally we can complete checking in a half day. If we discover any mistakes, our colleagues in the office will normally find out why within a week.
As a matter of fact, the accuracy of our inventory report has improved a lot since 2010, especially on the discrepancy figures. Usually we will find out why our actual figures are different from the figures shown in the system within a day or two. After we have sent you the report, you need to double check on your side and inform us if we overlook anything. Back and forth, that will take almost a week.
Look like this is from real life, not a exercise from an English text book.
Hope I can help you.
2012-02-12 03:47:25 補充:
stocks moved in an out ( not stocked ).