What is 活化古蹟?
活化古蹟in English is equivalent to "Revitalising Monuments".
In Hong Kong, the Commissioner for Heritage's Office (發展局文物保育專員辦事處) runs a "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme"to balance conservation with development and to put historic buildings to good adaptive re-use, giving these buildings a new lease of life for the enjoyment of the public.
Its objectives are revitalizing monuments through:
To preserve and put historic buildings into good and innovative use.
To transform historic buildings into unique cultural landmarks.
To promote active public participation in the conservation of historic buildings.
To create job opportunities in particular at the district level.
活化古蹟在香港 - 發展局文物保育專員辦事處 的"活化歷史建築伙伴計劃" , 致力在持續發展和文物保育兩者之間取得平衡 ,活化善用這些歷史建築,為它們注入新生命,供市民大眾享用。
目標包括:保存歷史建築,並以創新的方法,予以善用。把歷史建築改建成為獨一無二的文化地標。推動市民積極參與保育歷史建築。創造就業機會,特別是在地區層面方面 。 更多資料:
2012-02-11 11:42:14 補充:
It is disappointing that the host picked the answer with no mention at all of 活化 as the best.
The question "活化古蹟 is what ??" ,placed in the English language section, is unambiguously on 活化古蹟 and asking for an English answer.