sulphur dioxide

2012-02-11 1:48 am
True or false

1. When sulphur dioxide is added to sodium bromide solution, the mixture obtained is colorless.

2. Sulphur dioxide can act as a bleaching agent.

回答 (2)

2012-02-11 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. False. Although SO2 is a strong reducing agent, it cannot react with NaBr because both Na^+ and Br^- in the solution are weak oxidizing and reducing agent respectively. Hence no reaction can take place.

2. True. Equation of bleaching action can be shown as below:
SO2 + [dye] --> SO4^2- + [dye - O]
where [dye] is coloured and [dye - O] is colourless.

2012-02-11 12:54:34 補充:
Ah. I didn't notice the colour of the solutions used.
Sorry for my carelessness and thanks for your opinion.

2012-02-11 12:55:11 補充:
1. True. No reaction takes place. The solution mixture remains colourless.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2012-02-11 10:00 am
[1] should be true!!
while there's no reaction occuring, both sulfur dioxide and sodium bromide are colorless. ultimate color would (still) be colorless.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 12:14:50
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